On The Air:
Well a week on the road for work and training silenced the home station for K5JAW, but it didn't deter portable 2-meter operations! I'd previously mentioned taking on a QSO-365 project for 2014, and committed to having at least one on-air contact each day of the year. So far, I've only missed one day, but in the spirit of things, it wasn't a complete loss. Attending a hamfest and having a few "eyeball" contacts was good enough to count for the missed day.
Having said all that, I'd wondered about being able to make contacts while on work trips. Well, it takes a little planning, but it can be done. A handheld 2m/440 radio, and a roll-up J-pole antenna in the hotel window fixes part of the problem. I've looked up the date and times for local 2-meter nets in the areas I've been to, and have participated in those to gain at least one logged contact per day.
It's been said by those who have completed a QSO-365 project that beyond logging a contact each day, the project makes you a better operator. You'll find time, and ways, to get on the air!
Around the Station:
As I mentioned last week, I had a meeting planned with some other amateurs from central Mississippi to discuss amateur radio MESH networks. While I don't want to steal their thunder, I'm happy to learn that amateur operators in Rankin and Scott counties are moving forward with experiments to "light up" one or two small towns with MESH networks, then try to link those networks together. Their ideas and tips were helpful as we begin experimenting with MESH in my part of Mississippi.
QSL Cards Received this week
KD8TJB - Ohio
N2CJO - New Jersey
QSL Cards Going Out in the coming week
No cards this week, as all contacts have been in-state on repeaters or nets.
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