Watches, Warnings & Advisories for Sunflower Co.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

End of the World? Get on the air!

*** The following is a press release concerning Special Event Station N0D, operating December 20, 21, and 22, 2012.  Somewhat in jest, N0D (standing for Now Zero Days) will operate through the much-hyped "doomsday" prediction based on a Mayan long-count calendar that ends a cycle on December 21.   If you're an amateur radio operator, join in the fun.  But I wouldn't cancel Christmas and New Year's plans just yet.  In the meantime, catch up on our recommendations of supplies for your family's disaster kit. ~ K5JAW *** 

N0D - - Special Event Station celebrating The End of the world!

That’s right, the end is finally near.  According to one of the three Mayan Calendars, the End of the world will occur on Dec 21, 2012. To celebrate this literally once in a lifetime event, Special Event Station N0D (Now Zero Days) will be activated on 10-80 meters and on several satellite passes for three days during and after(?) the end of the world.   December 20; is a celebration of the end of the world. December 21, the day of destruction, we will be on the air as long as possible.  December 22nd, that is a little iffy right now. 

Amateur radio stations around the crumbling globe are invited to contact N0D, who will be operating from a secret, undisclosed location.   Our operating schedule may be a little erratic as destruction rains down upon us and as long as our antennas hold out.   Those of you who may be looking skyward for the end of the world, N0D will be operating on several satellite passes.  

This will provide cosmic, maybe even intergalactic coverage for the end of the world as we know it.  Thanks to Allen, our Doomsday press release has been picked up by the Amsat News Service and will be carried in a future bulletin in about a week or so.

You can celebrate Doomsday by contacting N0D directly on the air.  Amateurs can also become an official Doomsday station by registering on our website.  You will be given a registration number and the authority to identify yourself as “Official Doomsday Station” followed by your Doomsday number.

QSL with SASE to KK5W.  If Doomsday actually does happen, we regret that a QSL will not be possible so hold on to your SASE until the 22nd at least.  Check out our website for a preview of the N0D QSL card. 

Amateurs can also become an official Doomsday station by registering on our website.  You will be given a registration number and the authority to identify yourself as “Official Doomsday Station” followed by your Doomsday number.  Official Doomsday stations will receive the Doomsday Station Certificate.

It is not entirely clear exactly how it will happen. Will it be a cataclysmic shift in the earth’s magnetic field, Global Warming on steroids, earthquakes, volcanoes floods, global thermonuclear war, meteor collision, the 10 plagues of Egypt  UFO invasion who knows ? There are scientists, soothsayers and philosophers on both sides of the question.  Either way it will be an event worth remembering.. . .or maybe there will be no one left to remember it?

More information is available on the Official N0D website,
You can also e-mail the N0D team at   Check our website for the latest updates.

***K5JAW is a registered Official Doomsday Station 0520 (certificate here).  Feel free to register your amateur radio station.  Hopefully we'll see you on the air!*** 

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