Watches, Warnings & Advisories for Sunflower Co.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Operating Notes, 15 May 2012

On The Air:
National & Regional
We participated in the annual Armed Forces Cross Band Test this past weekend, May 12, 2012, and band conditions were far less than favorable.  Contact was made with Army MARS Station AAZ, at Fort Huachauca, Arizona.

As mentioned in our January 31, 2012 Operating Notes, the Olde Towne Middle School in Ridgeland, Mississippi successfully completed another Titans In Space high-altitude balloon mission.  LEO-1 sailed to 97,000 feet from Ridgeland to northeast of Birmingham, Alabama.  We monitored their 20-meter telemetry broadcasts for a few hours, and were glad to live-upload the data for the school to track and analyze later.  Great job!

Around the Station:
One of my stated goals for 2012 was to bring my logbook up to 1000 contacts.  My radio operation is hit-and-miss.  Some weeks I'll be on the air almost every night, other weeks I hardly go out to the shack.  But since our last Operating Notes, 68 contacts were added, mostly in March and April.  My total log count is now 732 entries, leaving 268 more to reach my goal this year, having started the year with 566 entries.

The longest-distance contact was 4Z5LR in Israel using the PSK-31 digital mode.  Israel rarely pops up on the band, and I was quite happy to log it!  

International log entries since January are: Argentina, Azores, Chile, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and Ukraine. 

Station K5JAW went portable on an LxPedition to Carroll County, Mississippi, Grid EM53bl.  Even though only a few contacts were recorded, it was a great spot of fun operating in the field.  The best contact was OK1CF in the Czech Republic, who needed Carroll County to complete all counties worked in Mississippi.  The excitement in his voice was evident, and it was a pleasure to get him in the log.  You can read the full report of the weekend here.

QSL Cards Received
None received

QSL Cards Going Out
None processed to send, yet

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