Here's a cut-and-paste of the pertinent lines from a two-way contact between my station, K5JAW, and XE3ISS, located in Cancun, Mexico. This represents my first direct contact with another ground station, using the International Space Station's amateur radio equipment as a digital repeater. You've got to be quick and to the point, as many want to access the station in its brief pass. Some of the contact lines are repeated (you'll note the different time stamps). This is necessary because there are often "packet collisions" or two data packets reaching the space station at the same time, and the resulting conflict means neither get relayed.
Fm XE3ISS To CQ Via RS0ISS-4* <UI pid=F0 Len=51 >[17:58:19]
:K5JAW :Greeting from Cancun EL61 de Fher XE3ISS
Fm K5JAW To CQ Via RS0ISS-4 <UI pid=F0 Len=49 >[17:58:36]
:XE3ISS :Greetings from Indianola, MS EM43ql 73
Fm K5JAW To CQ Via RS0ISS-4 <UI pid=F0 Len=33 >[18:00:04]
:XE3ISS :qsl XE3ISS de K5JAW 73
Fm XE3ISS To CQ Via RS0ISS-4* <UI pid=F0 Len=51 >[18:00:49]
:K5JAW :Greeting from Cancun EL61 de Fher XE3ISS
Fm K5JAW To CQ Via RS0ISS-4 <UI pid=F0 Len=33 >[18:01:01]
:XE3ISS :qsl XE3ISS de K5JAW 73
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