For most of Mississippi, the International Space Station will be visible this evening. Your viewing times may vary by a few seconds, depending on your location. The following times were generated by
Note the time is in 24-hour format. These times begin at 9:25pm. Generally, you'll see the station rise in the northwest and move high overhead to the southeast until it disappears behind Earth's shadow.
For North Mississippi:
Appears 21h25m50s 3.7mag az:312.1° NW horizon
Culmination 21h31m06s -4.2mag az:224.9° SW h:77.9°
distance: 406.2km height above Earth: 397.6km elevation of Sun: -14° angular velocity: 1.05°/s
Disappears 21h32m41s -3.2mag az:142.1° SE h:27.1°
For Central Mississippi:
Appears 21h26m07s 3.5mag az:314.0° NW horizon
Culmination 21h31m23s -4.2mag az:225.2° SW h:87.0°
distance: 398.0km height above Earth: 397.6km elevation of Sun: -15° angular velocity: 1.07°/s
Disappears 21h32m41s -3.6mag az:137.5° SE h:33.2°
For South Mississippi:
Appears 21h26m39s 3.1mag az:316.6° NW horizon
Culmination 21h31m56s -4.3mag az: 46.0° NE h:81.4°
distance: 401.8km height above Earth: 397.5km elevation of Sun: -17° angular velocity: 1.05°/s
Disappears 21h32m41s -4.1mag az:125.8° SE h:49.2°
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