The International Space Station will be visible over Mississippi on June 27, 2012. Depending on your location, your viewing times may vary by a few seconds from the times listed below. Additionally, your local horizon (trees, buildings, etc) may influence your viewing times. Times are listed in 24-hour format, therefore 20h32m = 8:32pm local time. The times and information were retrieved from
North Mississippi:
Appears 20h32m05s 3.5mag az:316.2° NW horizon
Culmination 20h37m20s -3.8mag az: 41.0° NE h:56.9°
distance: 468.6km height above Earth: 397.6km elevation of Sun: -5° angular velocity: 0.91°/s
Disappears 20h41m06s -1.6mag az:123.0° ESE h:6.6°
Central Mississippi:
Appears 20h32m24s 2.8mag az:321.4° NW horizon
Culmination 20h37m35s -3.2mag az: 40.8° NE h:38.2°
distance: 614.7km height above Earth: 397.5km elevation of Sun: -6° angular velocity: 0.70°/s
Disappears 20h41m06s -1.7mag az:114.2° ESE h:7.3°
South Mississippi:
Appears 20h32m59s 2.5mag az:324.8° NW horizon
Culmination 20h38m07s -3.0mag az: 41.7° NE h:32.7°
distance: 690.6km height above Earth: 397.4km elevation of Sun: -8° angular velocity: 0.62°/s
Disappears 20h41m06s -1.9mag az:108.5° ESE h:9.9°
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