Watches, Warnings & Advisories for Sunflower Co.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weekly Rainfall 4/14-20/13

The data below was compiled using a rain gauge on the north side of Indianola, MS over the past week.  The gauge is read and emptied at approximately 7:00am daily, therefore the rainfall total shown each day is from the prior 24 hours starting at 7:00am.

Total rainfall for the week was 2.61".

Current total April rainfall: 7.29"

Normal April rainfall: 5.16", the current monthly total is 141% of normal.  Additionally, this week's rainfall puts us at 51% of our normal annual rainfall.  Current year-to-date is 27.68", and the 30-year average annual total is 54.03".

Date TimeStation NumberStation NameTotal Precip in.New Snow in.Total Snow in.StateCountyView
4/14/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 0.00 0.0 NA MSSunflower View
4/15/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 0.00 0.0 NA MSSunflower View
4/16/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N T NA NA MSSunflower View
4/17/2013  6:20 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 0.00 0.0 NA MSSunflower View
4/18/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 0.00 0.0 NA MSSunflower View
4/19/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 2.61 NA NA MSSunflower View
4/20/2013  7:00 AM  MS-SF-1  Indianola 1.1 N 0.00 0.0 NA MSSunflower View

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